Court rules Semenya must comply with IAAF testosterone regulations

The Court of Arbitration for Sport has ruled that South African middle-distance champion Caster Semenya must comply with the governing body of track and field and take medication to reduce her testosterone levels if she wants to compete against other women in international competitions.

CAS threw out Semenya's appeal against the International Association of Athletics Federation despite saying they had "serious concerns as to future practical application."
Beginning May 8, athletes with differences of sexual development (DSD) will need to take a blood test to monitor their testosterone levels. This is the only way to maintain their eligibility for the IAAF World Championships in September or the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
Caster Semenya just posted her new Nike ad. "Would it be easier for you if I wasn't so fast? Would it be simpler for you if I stopped winning?" Brilliant, beautiful.
— Simon Allison (@simonallison) September 10, 2018
Arbitrators took more than two months to deliberate the case. According to The Guardian, two of the three arbitrators agreed with the IAAF's argument that high testosterone in females gives an advantage in size, strength and power after puberty, and that the new policy "was necessary, reasonable and appropriate" to ensure fair competition.
I am disappointed by today’s decision by the Court of Arbitration for Sports, which will prevent Caster Semenya from competing as her authentic self. @caster800m, I stand with you.
— Billie Jean King (@BillieJeanKing) May 1, 2019
“I know that the IAAF’s regulations have always targeted me specifically,” Semenya told The Guardian. “For a decade the IAAF has tried to slow me down, but this has actually made me stronger. The decision of the CAS will not hold me back. I will once again rise above and continue to inspire young women and athletes in South Africa and around the world.”
In a statement about the decision, CAS said: “The panel found that the DSD Regulations are discriminatory but that, on the basis of the evidence submitted by the parties, such discrimination is a necessary, reasonable and proportionate means of achieving the IAAF’s aim of preserving the integrity of female athletics in the Restricted Events.”
Black bodies - particularly Black women’s bodies - continue to be demonized & restrained by white considerations of “normality.” What’s happened to Caster Semenya is why we must fight against all gender-based oppression because we’re all at risk.
— Raquel Willis (@RaquelWillis_) May 1, 2019
However, CAS did share concerns about the ruling, singling out fairness, difficulty implementing and complying with the ruling, no real evidence to include certain events — specifically middle distance races—and the potential health risks for athletes forced to comply with the medical requirements.
On the health issues, CAS added: “The side effects of hormonal treatment, experienced by individual athletes could, with further evidence, demonstrate the practical impossibility of compliance which could, in turn, lead to a different conclusion as to the proportionality of the DSD regulations.”
Brilliant overview of the issue of DSD athletes by @exerscience - the three key questions posed at the end are ones everyone should try to answer.
— Cathal Dennehy (@Cathal_Dennehy) April 22, 2019
According to The Guardian, a spokesperson for Semenya said: “Ms Semenya believes that the dissenting CAS arbitrator will be shown to be correct and the DSD Regulations will be overturned.”
“In the interim, Ms Semenya believes that it is irresponsible for the IAAF to proceed with the implementation of the DSD Regulations in circumstances where the CAS decision makes it abundantly clear that there are serious problems with the regulations that need to be carefully considered and the DSD Regulations will unquestionably cause harm to the women affected by them.”
South Africans rally behind Caster Semenya ahead of IAAF hormone ruling
— AFP Africa (@AFPAfrica) April 30, 2019
Semenya has hyperandrogenism. According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, it is a condition in which the female body produces abnormally high levels of testosterone.
In 2018, the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) created new eligibility regulations for women with Differences of Sexual Development (DSD). DSD athletes have testosterone levels of 5 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L) or above. The regulations state that if the athletes want to continue competing as women in hurdles, the 400 meter, 800 meter, 1500 meter and mile races then they must lower their levels below 5 nmol/L.
'The panel has dismissed the request for arbitration'
Court of Arbitration for Sports secretary, Matthieu Reeb explains why the appeal by Caster Semenya against testosterone rules failed.
Get the latest on this story here:
— Sky News (@SkyNews) May 1, 2019
The IAAF defined normal female testosterone levels are between 0.12 and 1.79 nmol/L, whilemale testosterone levels are between 7.7 and 29.4 nmol/L.
In order to lower their testosterone levels to compete, athletes must use a hormonal contraceptive to lower their levels below 5 nmol/L for at least six months. After the six months, athletes must keep stay below that level for as long as they compete. They must also be recognized as female or intersex.
so Michael Phelps, a man with natural physical advantages over his rivals, is celebrated as a "biomechanical freak of nature", but when it comes to Caster Semenya "discrimination is necessary" ?
— Alex Macpherson (@alex_macpherson) May 1, 2019
When the IAAF released the regulations, some experts were puzzled by the testosterone levels the IAAF deemed as normal. According to Alina Health, the average testosterone levels for women are between 0.52 and 2.43 nmol/L. The average levels in men are between 10.41 and 34.70 2.43 nmol/L. Those levels are different from the IAAF’s levels.
In response to the new regulations, Semenya and Athletics South Africa protested to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
Two-time Olympic champion Caster Semenya has lost a landmark case against the IAAF - meaning female athletes with higher levels of testosterone will have to medicate if they want to compete.
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) May 1, 2019
“I am very upset that I have been pushed into the public spotlight again; I don’t like talking about this new rule,” Semenya said in a release. “I just want to run naturally, the way I was born.”
In 2009, Semenya underwent sex determination testing by the IAAF after she won gold in the women’s 800 meter race at the world track and field championships in Berlin.
South African sports minister @TokozileXasa's statement on Caster Semenya: “You remain our Golden Girl, what you have done for our people and girls is enormous. You have flown our flag high, you have united a nation and inspired a rural girl. For that we thank you Mokgadi.”
— Megha Mohan (@meghamohan) May 1, 2019
Although the testing was supposed to be confidential, reports leaked that her testosterone levels were three times higher than the average for women. The IAAF suspended her for 11 months while medical experts reviewed her case.
Three independent researchers found flaws in the data used to create the new DSD regulations.
The data comes from a 2017 study, which used results from the 2011 and 2013 world track and field championships. The study reported women with very high testosterone levels significantly outperformed women with lower testosterone levels in the 400 meter hurdles, 400 meter and 800 meter races.
Caster Semenya after today's ruling: "I know that the IAAF’s regulations have always targeted me specifically. For a decade the IAAF has tried to slow me down, but this has actually made me stronger. The decision of the CAS will not hold me back. I will once again rise above..."
— Geoffrey York (@geoffreyyork) May 1, 2019
“They cannot use this study as an excuse or a reason for setting a testosterone level because the data they have presented is not solid,” researcher Erik Boye said.
Ross Tucker, a professor of exercise physiology at the University of the Free State in South Africa, who said he believes biology is the main problem, and that testosterone is the main reason men have an athletic advantage over women.
“That’s basically the crux of the issue,” Tucker said. “Do intersex athletes who compete as females have an advantage thanks to testosterone that is unfair, even compared to obviously other recognized advantages in sport?”
Tucker thinks so.
Paula Radcliffe, a marathon world record holder, opposes Semenya competing in women’s sports. She believes that Semenya’s 800 meter dominance is “no longer sport.”
“Girls on the start line know they’re never going to get a medal in an 800m. That’s the bottom line. I get really annoyed when I see these arguments come back that it’s racist or it’s sexist. It’s none of those,” Radcliffe said.