Empowering Athletes in the Post-Sport Journey
Originally slated for the sport track at Austin's SXSW Festival, this panel was held virtually on April 15, 2020 with guest speakers Mori Taheripour, Jacques McClendon, Karen Gallagher, and Kenneth Shropshire. Collegiate and professional athlete transitions are unique due to the typical length of preparation, intense level of identity and connectedness, and the unpredictable nature of when one’s career can end. This often leads to identity foreclosure, where an athlete sacrifices their education and additional identity options or career aspirations. We know that the more you prepare to transition out of the original dream, the more time you have to focus on the next dream and move into the reality of a new working life. Transition is eased for athletes who engage in continuous learning and when a transition plan is securely in place before the athletic experience ends. This panel dives into the effects of transition and what can be done to help athletes prepare for life outside of sport.